My book club met today over lunch and we discussed Matthew Pearl's The Dante Club.
There was a mixed reaction to the book: one member couldn't finish it, another absolutely loved it, and the rest of us were somewhere in between.
Personally, I didn't like the book nearly as much as I thought I would. While the story itself was interesting, it took me a while to get into it. Pearl also occasionally get bogged down in details, falling prey (as many writers of historical fiction are wont to do) to the need to showcase the amount of research that went into the book.
I thought the characters of Longfellow and Holmes were much more developed than those of Lowell and Fields (just three days after finishing the book, I couldn't even recall Lowell's name thought he was one of the main characters). One of my favorite characters in the novel is Nicholas Rey, the mulatto policeman, and I was very pleased to read on a discussion forum that Pearl plans to write a novel with Rey as the protagonist.
All in all, a good book, but not a fabulous one. I'll read Pearl in the future, though by now I'm pretty sure that I'll never be getting my review copy of The Poe Shadow. (see this post)
Congrats on finishing the book! I loved the first chapter, then it turned into a bunch of academics talking and I gave up after about 50 pages.