Thursday, January 03, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Anticipation

What new books are you looking forward to most in 2008? Something new being published this year? Something you got as a gift for the holidays? Anything in particular that you're planning to read in 2008 that you're looking forward to? A classic, or maybe a best-seller from 2007 that you're waiting to appear in paperback?

Hmm... this is a hard one. I haven't really thought too much about what I'll be reading in 2008. I'm sure I'll read quite a few (my goal is to read 175), but I usually play it by ear (excepting review assignments, of course, which I try to read sooner rather than later; things went to pot in the second half of this year, but I'm getting back on track now).

Well, I'm looking forward to the publication of More Big Girl Knits in April, for the patterns more than anything else.

Of books that are gathering dust around the house, I'm planning on reading some Orhan Pamuk novels (I have The Black Book, My Name is Red, and The White Castle on Mt. TBR), some of the titles from the Myths Series (I have five unread at the moment), and The Illustrated Jane Eyre. I also want to read a good number of the bookcrossing books that are hanging around (at least 50!) so that they can continue their journeys.

I'm also curious about what books we'll be reading for my book club this year (beyond this month's, which has already been assigned). Voting for selections is going on now and I'll be compiling the results into our 2008/2009 reading list mid-month.


  1. Those are some interesting titles! Great list and happy reading!

  2. It's great seeing you blogging regularly again!

    Happy New Year!

  3. Hmm. I should find some beginners' sewing books to read & review now that I have a sewing machine... I hadn't really thought about that. Knitting isn't my thing, but I could imagine getting into sewing.
