I received this book shortly before heading out on a trip to California and stuck it into my carry-on bag as travel reading.
Having read it now, I'm really not sure how I feel about it. I really enjoyed Rees' Witch Child and this book, though a sequel, was completely different from it. I like the fact that the book does stand alone - you can read, understand, enjoy it with out having read Witch Child. But I'm not so sure I like it as a sequel. It does follow up on the story of Mary, Witch Child's protagonist, but it does it in a very different way while introducing a bunch of modern-day characters. The story itself is mouch more complex, as is the meta-narrative that Rees introduces in Witch Child.
Anges, the real protagonist of Sorceress is interesting and does deserve a book of her own. Mary's story, however, didn't seem quite as real to me as it did in Witch Child.