Saturday, January 05, 2013

when you are feeling overwhelmed

A colleague shared this quote with me on a particularly trying day this week:
Take some small step today, and value each step you take. You never know which step will make a difference. This is much better than not trying to do anything.
It's from a December 10, 2012 NY Times article, "When Daily Stress Gets in the Way of Life" by Jane Brody, specifically from an interview with psychologist Tamar E. Chansky.


  1. Great advice, thanks for sharing!

  2. You are very welcome. Thanks for your visit and comment.

  3. I love that, and has come at a time when I really need a boost. Hope you don't mind, would like to share on my blog, too. :)

  4. but of course! Thanks for dropping by Kellie.
