Thursday, April 10, 2008

Booking Through Thursday - Writing Challenge

- Pick up the nearest book. (I’m sure you must have one nearby.)
- Turn to page 123.
- What is the first sentence on the page?
- The last sentence on the page?
- Now... connect them together (And no, you may not transcribe the entire page of the book–that’s cheating!)

I'm not sure that it's technically the nearest book (bound volumes of Archivaria, anyone?), but I have Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón in my bag. I'll be posting about it tomorrow.

1st full sentence from page 123 -
"We went down to the cabinet and opened the top drawer."

last full sentence from page 123 -
"His suit wouldn't have fetched more than ten pesetas in the Encantes Flea Market, but he made up for it with a gaudy tie of tropical colors."

Connecting -
We went down to the cabinet and opened the top drawer. Inside was the key we were looking for, the key to the closet door. When we finally managed to open the door, we were surprised by what we found. The noises we'd heard were coming from a middle-aged man bound and gagged. He was perched precariously on a stool amid the musty furs. His suit wouldn't have fetched more than ten pesetas in the Encantes Flea Market, but he made up for it with a gaudy tie of tropical colors.

(After reading some of the other posts for today's BTT, I thought I'd better mention that my "connection" has nothing whatsoever to do with the actual story. I was just trying to bring the two sentences together).


  1. Sounds hilarious! I wonder if the real book is that funny?

    Happy BTT!

  2. Very nice. I wonder what happens next?

  3. I'll be interested to see what you think about Shadow of the Wind. I read it last year and loved it, but I realize not everyone is as big a fan of "books about books" as I am.

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